Last Updated Feb 8, 2024

Privacy Policy

Euclid Solutions, LLC ("Euclid") is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and adheres to the highest standards of data protection and ethics. Our mission is to make math more accessible to every student by offering a diverse range of products, technologies, and services (collectively referred to as our "Services") to individuals, families, businesses, and organizations (our valued "Customers").

This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of your information across our Services. It encompasses all data gathered on our official website, (the "Website"), and through any services we offer to our Customers. The term "you" in this document refers to both consumers who interact with our Services and visitors to our Website, including you, the reader of this Privacy Policy.

1. Types of Information We Collect

At Euclid, we gather information about you through various methods as part of delivering our Services to our Customers. Below, we detail the types of information collected and the means through which we obtain it:

Information from Website Visitors

Upon visiting our Website, we automatically collect specific information via your device(s). Utilizing a range of technologies, including cookies, both we and our designated service providers (third-party companies collaborating with us) facilitate this collection process.

  • Device Information: We gather technical data related to the device(s) you use when accessing our Website. This encompasses details about your browser and operating system, your computer’s IP address, unique device identifiers, and other device-related information such as the type of device you are using.

  • Usage Information: Our collection extends to various data points that help us understand how you interact with our Website. This includes tracking the webpages you visited prior to our Services, identifying the pages or features within our Website you engage with, monitoring the duration of your visits, and recording the date and time of access, alongside your usage preferences.

Information You Provide

We also collect information you voluntarily provide directly through our Website. For instance, this occurs when you make an inquiry about our services, where we may collect details such as your name, contact information, and the nature of your inquiry.

Customer-Provided Information

In the context of subscribing to or purchasing our Services, Customers may provide us with personal contact and financial information concerning the users of the Services. This “Customer Information” is crucial for billing and communication purposes.

Third-Party Information

Beyond the data received directly from you or our Customers, we may also obtain information about you from third-party sources. This broadens our understanding and ensures the comprehensive provision of our Services.

2. Child Privacy Protection

At Euclid, safeguarding the privacy of young learners is a priority. We adhere to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), as amended, which governs the collection of personal data and other information from children under the age of 13. For detailed information on our practices and how we ensure compliance with COPPA, please refer to our COPPA Policy available [here].


3. Use of Information

Euclid  employs the information collected for the provision, support, enhancement, and security of our Services. Specifically, the information is used as follows:

  • Service Provision: Information is utilized for the delivery of our Services to users and Customers.

  • Service Operation: The information, inclusive of Customer Information, is analyzed to evaluate and improve the Services’ functionality, content, and usability. It is also used to secure the Services against fraud, security threats, and abuse, as well as to diagnose and rectify issues or outages.

  • Internal Purposes: Information may be used to comply with relevant procedures, laws, and regulations, in alignment with our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of third parties. This includes the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, enforcement of our Terms and Conditions, and other legal obligations or controls, or to engage in legal proceedings.

  • Consent-Based Use: Information may be employed for any other purpose subject to the user’s consent.

  • Information Combination: For the objectives articulated in this Privacy Policy, we may merge information collected through the Services with data obtained from other sources, both online and offline, and utilize such combined information accordingly.

  • Aggregate/De-Identified Information: Information collected through the Services may be aggregated or de-identified so it cannot be associated with an individual or device (“Aggregate/De-Identified Information”). This Aggregate/De-Identified Information may be utilized for any purpose, including but not limited to research and marketing, and may be shared with third parties at our discretion.

4. Legal Grounds for Processing Your Information

The utilization of your information and Customer Information, as detailed in this Privacy Policy, is founded on the following legal bases:

  • Legitimate Interests: The processing is necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interests or those of a third party, provided these interests do not infringe upon your fundamental rights and freedoms concerning data privacy.

  • Consent: The processing is conducted with your explicit consent.

  • Contractual Necessities: The processing is essential for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract, specifically for the provision of our Services.

5. Information Sharing Practices

Euclid may share the information collected from you and about you for the business purposes outlined herein, engaging both service providers and third parties in this process.

  • Corporate Transactions: In the context of significant corporate events such as mergers, investments, acquisitions, reorganizations, consolidations, bankruptcies, liquidations, or the sale of part or all of our assets, or during due diligence associated with any such transaction, your information may be shared.

  • Service Providers: Information is shared with selected third-party entities that provide services on our behalf. These services include, but are not limited to, operation of our Services, conducting surveys, web hosting, marketing and sales activities, processing billing and payments, analytics and online advertising, enhancing security, preventing fraud, and offering legal services.

  • Legal Obligations: We reserve the right to disclose information to third parties when it is believed in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to comply with legal obligations, including laws, regulations, legal processes, or governmental requests. This also encompasses situations where disclosure is necessary to enforce our Terms and Conditions; to detect, prevent, or address fraud, security, or technical issues; to handle user support requests; and to protect the rights, property, or safety of Euclid, our Customers, and the public.

  • User Direction: Upon your instruction, we may share your information with additional third parties.

6. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

Euclid, along with our service providers, employs various technologies, including web server logs, cookies, tags, Software Development Kits (SDKs), tracking pixels, and other similar tracking technologies, to collect information as detailed in the “Information Collected from Website Visitors” section. These technologies are utilized to enhance your future experiences with our Services by providing tailored content and functionalities.

  • Web Server Log: This is a file that records web activities.

  • SDK (Software Development Kit): These are sets of tools and/or code embedded in our applications and software to facilitate specific functions, such as collecting information about your interactions with our Services.

  • Cookie: A small text file placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit our Services. Cookies enable us to recognize your computer, save your preferences and settings, understand the web pages you have visited, and enhance your user experience by delivering content and advertising relevant to your interests. They also allow us to perform searches and analytics and support our security and administrative functions. Cookies may be stored in your browser cache, while those associated with Flash technology are stored with your Adobe Flash Player files.

  • Tags/Tracking Pixels: Also known as web beacons or clear GIFs, these are small pieces of code embedded in websites, online advertisements, and emails. They can generate or detect a unique identifier for purposes such as generating web server logs or reading or writing cookies, as previously mentioned.

As technology evolves, we may employ additional methods for gathering information.

Please note that blocking, disabling, or managing cookies and similar technologies may limit your access to certain functionalities or features of the Services.

7. Online Analytics and Targeted Advertising

Analytics: For the purpose of enhancing our Services, we utilize third-party analytics services. These services employ cookies and similar technologies to gather and analyze information regarding your usage of our Services. This process supports activities such as auditing, research, reporting, and fraud prevention, while also improving features available to our Customers.

Advertising: As part of our effort to tailor your experience, we may present advertisements about our products, services, and features we believe might interest you when you utilize our Services or visit our Website. The personalization of ads is based on several factors, including your interaction with our features, demographic and geographic information, and other data we gather about you.

To facilitate targeted advertising, we may collaborate with third-party service providers who might place cookies or other tracking technologies on your device. These technologies collect information about your engagement with our Services to deliver interest-based advertisements on other platforms.

It’s important to note that this Privacy Policy does not extend to the usage of cookies or other tracking mechanisms employed by third-party advertisers. We do not have control over, nor access to, the cookies or tracking technologies that third-party providers may place on your devices.

8. Information Security

Euclid has instituted appropriate safeguards aimed at protecting against the accidental loss of information and guarding against unauthorized access, usage, alteration, and disclosure. Despite these measures, the transmission of data over the internet inherently lacks complete security. We strive to protect your information to the best of our ability; however, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. We bear no liability for any bypass of privacy settings or security measures within the Services.

9. Data Retention

Your personal data will be retained only for the period necessary for the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is mandated or allowed by law. The duration for which data is stored depends on the specific circumstances, including the product or service involved. The criteria used to determine the retention period include: the necessity of retaining personal data to fulfill business operations, such as delivering services or maintaining business records; obligations to resolve user inquiries or complaints; user consent to extended retention; and legal, contractual, or similar requirements for data retention.

10. Privacy Policy Updates

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time in response to changes in legal requirements, our information collection and usage practices, Service features, or technological advancements. Changes will be made available through the Services, and the “Effective Date” at the start of this document will indicate the latest update. We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed. Material changes to our Privacy Policy will be communicated as required by law. Continued use of the Services after such changes have been posted will indicate your acceptance of the new terms.


For any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact