A framework that works

Our own BEACON framework helps us bring our teaching philosophy to life with a dynamic, spiral approach and real-world applications.

  • Revisit Previously Mastered Topics: Each chapter starts by revisiting related concepts students have already mastered to set a solid foundation for the new concept.

    Introduce New Concepts as Natural Extensions: We integrate new ideas as logical progressions from familiar knowledge.

  • Clarity: Each lesson provides simple, clear explanations for the new topic at hand.

    Visualization: Our lessons use visuals to bring abstract concepts to life in fun ways.

    Manipulatives: We explain how to use hands-on items around the home to concretize mathematical ideas and enhance tactile learning.

  • Structured Practice Problems: We provide students with procedural exercises to apply new concepts.

    Coverage: We carefully choose practice problems to cover different types of scenarios for each concept.

  • Deep Dive into the "Why": Each instructor lesson ends with an interactive discussion with students that explores the rationale behind mathematical principles.

    Encourage Conceptual Understanding: We challenge students to formulate their own explanations for the underlying logic of the new concept.

    Engage in Logical Reasoning: Prompt discussions on the properties of new concepts to encourage analytical thinking.

    Real-World Applications: Introduce problems that mimic real-life scenarios, demonstrating the practical utility of mathematical concepts.

  • Achievement: We reward younger students with badges that represent mastery of new skills, making learning achievements visible and celebrated.

    Fun Facts: As students progress, we shift from badges to fun facts, exploring interesting historical stories, surprising math tricks, and more.

    Fun Applications: In some books like Fractions in Action, we provide students with fun applications they can unlock with their new math skills, like tasty recipes.

  • Organization and progression: Each chapter is placed carefully before and after related topics to make new concepts more intuitive.